Historical Photos That Might Change Your Prespective On Things |
On 27 January 1945 was the liberation of Auschuvitz. To forget would be to say these faces,the faces of milions of others didn't matter. Never forget. Teach the children to remember. |
This is a mass burial at sea,on the USS Interpid in 1944 following a kamikaze attack. I've never seen this photo, and I figure most of you probably haven't either. I posted so people can see, and remember the incredible sacrifices made on our behalf. |
And then there was the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. |
Happy(and very luckey) to be alive-1917 |
104 years ago this fountain in Detroit,Michigan was left running alloing it to build layer upon layer in to this 30 foot icy spectacle. |
1937: when ever ice skating was done in a swit. |
A woman on a mission with her baguette and six bottles of wine.(Paris 1945) |
Daddy's office, John Ji's playground |
How homework was done before google. |
清水君に彼のアメリカの友人が送ってくれた44枚の写真の中から 9枚を選んでご紹介しました。 お楽しみ頂けたら幸いです。 (2022/09/07 dora記) |